Ranjeny Thomas ARA-NSW 2020 - 42nd Annual NSW Branch Meeting

Ranjeny Thomas

Professor Thomas (MBBS (WA), MD (WA), FRACP, FAAHMS) is Professor of Rheumatology at University of Queensland, Translational Research Institute, consultant rheumatologist at Princess Alexandra Hospital and fellow of the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences. Her research seeks to understand autoimmune disease and restoration of immune tolerance. Through this work, she developed and tested the first rheumatoid arthritis vaccine. She has also contributed major insights into how the microbiome is involved in causing spondyloarthropathy leading to the development of disease biomarkers and therapeutic strategies. Ranjeny is founder and a director of the spin-off company, Dendright, which is developing immunotherapy for autoimmune diseases.

Abstracts this author is presenting: